Lampwork Glass Bead artist, AKIKO ISONO's site.

Photo gallery of AKIKO ISONO's glass bead-work and information about her.

Challenge and variant 2011

Good night (Dec 27)

The Flying Japanese cushion. (Dec 18)

A right whale head (Dec 7)

A head of whale (Dec 5)

Tiny bear in woods with mushroom and dandelion's seed. (Dec 2)

Japanese giant salamander (Nov 23)

Friends (Oct 20)

Composition, Red and White. (Oct 16)

The head of blue whale (Sep 29)

Tiny Bear in the woods. (Sep 23)

Wallets (Sep 17)

I will take a trip with lunch. (Sep 16)

Door snail (August 17)

Amulet of right-whale bead and fleece. (August 15)

The stone of whale head. (August 8)

I deform right whale again. I made only head. (August 6)

I deform right whale. (August 4)

Right Whale and Hydrothermal vent (August 2)

Cycle of lives under the fallen leaves. (July 19)

The mushrooms inside the right whale. (July 18)

Footprint says something happened. (July 16)

I was thinking about some cuttlefishes few kind of myxomycetes and vegetative wasps which I met recently while I make this bead. (July 15)

He looks naughty. (June 20)

Cycle of lives under the fallen leaves. (June 20)

Seeds. (June 20)

The ant bear is searching for ant's nest.(June 16)

The big toad. (May 26)

The tumblebug appeared again. (May 20)

Three green frogs. (May 20)

Yum yum fruits with silk string. (May 18)

Yum yum fruits (May 6)

My old autograph and new autograph in my bead. (Apr 23)

Adventure of mushroom. They meet the gigantic octopus. (Apr 20)

The other side of tunnel. (Apr 17)

Tiny bear licks honey. (Apr 11)

Spring has come. Again. (Mar 30)

Spring has come. (Mar 18)

Cog (Mar 17)

Flower urchin (Feb 16)

'Frog is holding the Sea' with spiral. (Feb 10)

I continue my new trial. These title are SEED.
The motif of these beads are 'Making itself full of energy'. (Feb 9)

This is new trial. (Feb 8)

I may open the egg. (Jan 16)

A doll displayed on the Girl's Festival day. The boy's music band in the castle. (Jan 9)

A doll displayed on the Girl's Festival day. 5boys. (Jan 8)

A doll displayed on the Girl's Festival day. The women who support the princess. (Jan 7)

A doll displayed on the Girl's Festival day. The lamps, the peach tree, the orange tree, the special rice cakes . (Jan 6)

A doll displayed on the Girl's Festival day. The prince and the princess. (Jan 5)

Coming soon (Jan 3)

I am going to show my new challenging and variant pieces here.